Internet of Things
Internet-enabled Service Design
The Internet of Things has the potential to change the world, just as the Internet did. To put it simply, IoT connects things to the Internet. A thing, in the Internet of Things, can be a person with a heart monitor implant, a farm animal with a biochip transponder, or a vehicle that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when the tire pressure is low.
IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, micro-electromechanical systems and the Internet. All kinds of objects, can be given a unique identifier and the ability to communicate data over a network without requiring human interaction, creating a whole host of services and insights that can radically change the way we humans organise ourselves.
Case: Blipster

The Blipster mobile web application looks and feels great in your handheld, no matter the platform you use.
Blipster is 23C's proprietary platform for indoor positioning system, available for customisation. 23C has created a proprietary technology bundle for customised indoor positioning that we have named Blipster. Blipster can be applied to different environments, from hospitals and elderly homes, to university campuses, apartment complexes, trade fair centres and office buildings.

Keep everyone and everything underneath your fingertips
Today, a doctor spends upwards of two hours per week just trying to find nurses and other doctors. Information distribution and communication takes too much time – creating .
With the demand for increased cost-efficiency, it is important that the quality of care and patient safety is maintained or increased. When health professionals must cover a larger area than before, it also becomes harder to find each other. By making it easy to find each other and communicate, conditions are also created for making the right decisions.
For a presentation on Blipster please contact us on
Case: Robo-demonstration concept

Image of what could have been
Our cross-media campaign concept aimed to raise awareness about clean energy.
A few years ago, the government-owned energy company “Vattenfall” created a political scandal when it invested in more coal-plants. A small, but influential, energy company looked into having an event promoting their clean energy choices. 23C developed the concept of having 6-10 marching robots picketing – demanding clean energy – in front of the parliament building in central Stockholm, Sweden, to drive PR and word-of-mouth in social media. The futuristic robots could also accompany face-to-face sales in public spaces such as shopping centres and stations, getting the city’s residents to switch to clean energy. Communication and coordination, within and between the robots, would be managed in an environment consisting of Arduino and BlueTooth.
Unfortunately the client put the project on hold due to unresolvable third-party concerns.